He was surprised to see that CARM, one of the most trusted online sources for Christian doctrine, did not recommend participating in Beth Moore studies. Incredulously, my Baptist husband read Matt Slick’s negative critique of Beth Moore.

My husband had stumbled across the profile on Beth Moore at the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM) website.

I’ll never forget the day five years ago when my husband informed me that Beth Moore may not be a sound teacher. I have seen her speak live multiple times, done countless numbers of her studies and own tons of her books. I was heavily involved in her studies for years. One of my favorite Bible study authors was Beth Moore. Growing up in a church like that, I was often involved in Bible study. At this faithful church, the Bible was proclaimed as God’s inerrant word. It was and is one of the most vibrant churches in the convention its former (Adrian Rogers) and current (Steve Gaines) pastors have been the President of the Southern Baptist Convention and both served on the Baptist Faith and Message Committee. I grew up attending Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. I am currently the women’s Bible study leader at our church as well as the pastor’s wife. I walked the aisle to accept Jesus at age 5 but I believe I was truly saved 12 years ago at the age of 21. The following testimony was submitted to Pulpit & Pen for publication: